Balancing With Hope
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Yoga Registration
Sign-Up Below!
First Name
Last Name
How familiar are you with practicing yoga?
Are there any medical conditions or injuries the instructor should be aware of?
What do you hope to get out of this class?
How did you hear about this class?
I have read the waiver below and agree to its conditions
I, _____(name of participant)___, release Balancing With Hope, Yoga Teacher Hope Lattin, from any responsibility and/or liability concerning the application, processing, and/or consequences of the yoga service I elected to receive. I release and hold Balancing With Hope, its employees and its agents, harmless against any and all liability, damage, and/or expenses arising out of or in connection with actions, claims, and/or damages resulting in personal injuries and disabilities (physical and/or psychological) that I might incur as a result of the service provided to me. I release from liability and waive my right to sue Balancing With Hope, Hope Lattin from any and all claims, including claims of negligence, resulting in any physical injury, illness (including death) or economic loss I may suffer or which may result from my participation in this activity, including travel to and from the activity, or any events incidental to this activity. I knowingly and willingly consent to participate in this outdoor yoga and/or fitness class series and understand and accept all risks. I release all liability from Balancing With Hope, Hope Lattin, for any related issue. I also give permission for photos taken during class to be used on the website and any associated social media pages. If I do not consent to the use of personal photos, I will give written notice to the instructor.
Anything else I should know?
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